Hello 👋, my name is Lee

I'm currently a Senior Software Engineer at Arm 👨‍💻. I work with Spring Boot, Go, Kubernetes and more. I ensure our infrastructure is highly available and performant on AWS.

In my spare time, I enjoy creating personal projects such as Go Reg Go, a TypeScript / Go based app that fetches UK vehicle data using a given registration. It is also integrated with Stripe. In an effort to create accessible resources for other developers, I developed Java By Example and Zsh By Example, designed to serve as simple and quick reference guides.

Previously, I graduated from University College London (UCL) 🎓 with a Distinction in MSc Software Systems Engineering. For my thesis, I genetically mutated data structures in open-source Java projects to evaluate and optimize memory usage. One of my key highlights from UCL was the opportunity to work with the Director of Data Science and Engineering at KPMG, Dr. Rebbeca Pope. We collaborated to build a Neo4J database schema based on the FHIR Specification for Great Ormond Street Hospital.

You can find me on LinkedIn, email me directly, or check out my projects on GitHub.

I'm interested in hearing about roles related to software engineering and developing cloud-native, highly available distributed systems. If you think I'd be a good fit, check out my CV.